it means to belive
and as it seems,
as it feels,
in my dreams,
I belive in u.
I close my eyes
and I can hear the voice of the sea...
but when I open my eyes again,
there's nothing but me with myself...
I admit it - I'm naive,
sometimes it's good to belive.
If there's any way u can love me,
then show it to me.
I do belive, that u can hurt me -
cause I'm just way too naive.
I know I should let my feelings go,
even if I want 2,
I don't know how.
Please, just say if u feel anything...
I can hear how u whisper on my skin.
Don't be a stranger,
don't push me away,
I just want it 2 linger on,
I don't need those games.
Just say u want me,
I would say the same.
Tell me about your dreams babe,
even if it rains all day.
U could be my sunshine
and I could be yours,
u could be the love of mine for how ever it goes...